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Entries Tagged as 'Uncategorized'

Title Contest!

August 7th, 2011 · No Comments

 The Winner is: “There a New iPhone! Apple Fan-Boys!” Submit you title to or add in comments!


Tags: Breaking News! · Uncategorized

Wide-Open Field for Mayor’s Race Nixed by Peskin Machine; Democratic Party Boss Asserts Force Majeure, Will Play Favorites; Newsom Bitterly Attacked

June 20th, 2011 · No Comments

Peskin Challenges Feinstein Reform Moves, Slurs Against Brown and Burton Family Included in Torrent of Invective – He  Defends Machine After Party’s Candidates Lost 4 Out of 4 Races in 2010 — “If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It” From Our Political Correspondent The San Francisco County Democratic Central Committee (DCCC) is made up of […]


Tags: Breaking News! · Uncategorized

The Shocking Worker Suicide Rate at iPod's Chinese Plant

April 25th, 2011 · No Comments

By Peter Weverks   You probably missed it, and Apple Computer probably hopes you missed it, especially if you read the news while listening to an iPod, but buried in last February’s business news was a blip about a visit by Apple’s Chief Operating Officer, Tim Cook, to the Foxconn Technology Group factory in Shenzhen, […]


Tags: Calders Rants · Uncategorized

The Kill Team – The Argonaut Regrets That It Has To Reprint Another Publication's Important Story

March 31st, 2011 · No Comments

(It is not often that the Argonaut reprints another publication’s product, but the Rolling Stone’s exclusive on horror in Afghanistan deserves the widest possible readership, and thus we offer it here. – Editor) How U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan murdered innocent civilians and mutilated their corpses – and how their officers failed to stop them. Plus: […]


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Did Ranked-Choice Voting Screw Up The Oscars?

February 28th, 2011 · 2 Comments

There is some small sweet solace for those of us rooting for, say, the cutting-edge The Social Network” or the Pat O’Brien-esque “The Fighter” for an Oscar TKO – anything but the Monarchy-polishing English soaper “The King’s Speech” which brushed over Britian’s pre-WW Duece appeasement of Hitler and Edward’s resigned-King brother’s tea dancing with Nazis. The […]


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DCCC: Supervisors Rush to Abstain

February 25th, 2011 · No Comments

Be careful what you wish for. There is an undeniable distinction to running for, and getting elected to, both policy making bodies of this overwhelmingly Democratic city’s political aristocracy – the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and the San Francisco Democratic County Central Committee – but that can also create potentially embarrassing complications. Witnesss Wednesday […]


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Leland Yee Says He Gets Death Threats! Ed Lee Gets All The Publicity; Is That Fair?

February 2nd, 2011 · No Comments

State Senator Leland Yee, who is running for mayor of San Francisco, has let it be known, via leaks and an unprecedented official “death threat”  press release,  that he has been the target of death threats and vile racial slurs.   Thus far, Leland’s cries for attention  have been met with what can only be described […]


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Paramilitary Dude With Glock at AMC Van Ness

January 30th, 2011 · No Comments

By John Calder, Argonaut360 Correspondent While attending the 9:45pm showing on Friday January 28th of the of the excellent film, “True Grit” at the AMC 1000 on Van Ness, I found myself in a very uncomfortable position. Standing at the 7th Floor concession area was a paramilitary geared male, fully decked out with a Glock […]


Tags: Calders Rants · Uncategorized


January 27th, 2011 · 1 Comment

Feinstein, Pelosi, Spear, Leno, Harris In Unusual Public Rebuke  of DCCC Chair Peskin; His Actions Were “Wrong” (Feinstein) , Set “Bad Example” (Harris); The Hot Issue: Spending Democratic Party Funds Against Other Democrats in Supervisor Races By Warren Hinckle Aaron Peskin played offense Wednesday night against  charges that he had  misused Democratic party funds attempting to […]


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Petard Time at The DCCC Corral; Peskin Hoist, Attempt at Elegant Defenestration Foiled by Chiu; Alice Demands Inquisition

January 26th, 2011 · No Comments

By Warren Hinckle Aaron Peskin awaits an uncertain – but  certainly uncomfortable – fate at the delayed-since-Thanksgiving meeting of the San Francisco Democratic County Central C0mmittee tonight.  He faces both unrest and displeasure of the traditional kind – the retributive  justice often dealt to the party leader who loses the ranch – and the less […]


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