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Davis-Bronstein Feud, Redux

Followers of San Francisco political warfare will savor the following:

There has been a spot of a Cold War for some time between former Chronicle editor Phil Bronstein and legendary campaign manager Jack Davis – who first elected Mike Hennessey Sheriff, defeated incumbent Mayor Art Agnos for reelection with political neophyte Frank Jordan, then defeated Jordan for re-election with Willie Brown, and went on the re-elect Brown for a second term.

Bronstein, who was once married to film actress Sharon Stone, now writes a blog for the Chronicle’s website, SFGate. Recounting his version of some recent city controversies, Bronstein called Davis a political bully, or words to that effect. Davis replied with a e-mail blast that summarized many of the high, or low- lights of Bronstein’s tenure as editor of the Hearst San Francisco Examiner who went on to become editor of the Chronicle when the Hearst’s bought it. Copies of Davis’ e-blast provided more than a few chuckles around City Hall during the holiday doldrums past.

From Davis:
Phil, I recently learned of your blog and that you took the liberty to rewrite history as it pertains to me and the seven-foot boot that was parked outside the Examiner   with the classic Nancy Sinatra song blasting “One of these days these boots are going to walk all over you”.  The great Dan O’Neil had the boot made by some talented hippy from Carson City –  it was not a left over from some Mitchell Bros party as you mistakenly blogged – but there were numerous Mitchell Bros dancers in high leather boots picketing the Examiner.

Actually the cowboy boot theme was insider baseball after you broke Clint Reilly’s ankle in the Ex’s editorial boardroom.  As legend has it Reilly was invited by Will [Will Hearst, than publisher of the Examiner] to pitch direct mail promotion for the Ex and was an invited guest.  So the lore goes the meeting between Will, you and Clint began with you asking Clint why he would not speak to certain of your reporters.  “Just because you fuck them, doesn’t mean I have to talk to them” Reilly allegedly replied which led you to jump out of your seat, come around the table, pin Reilly’s foot down with your cowboy boot and snap Clint’s ankle.

While Reilly laid on the floor in pain a panicked Will pondered what to do.  In comes nurse Ratchet – Pam Brunger [Examiner managing editor] – who calls for an ambulance and Clint is wheeled out of the Ex’s editorial boardroom.  So much for “free speech”.  The terms of the out-of-court settlement have never been published but sources believe that your behavior as Editor cost in the six figures.  How a respected Corporation could tolerate such behavior is beyond me.  Fortunately for you Will is the largest stockholder.  Go figure!

The boot idea also seemed relevant after a S.F. Jury found your paper guilty of predatory pricing and the cowboy boot was the launch of Prop J -  the “Free Public Notice” campaign that I managed pro bono.  Voters overwhelming agreed that said contract should not be awarded only on price.  The loss of this lucrative contract for the Examiner was sad but predictable.

Then there was the $60 million dollar payment to break the JOA and yes I did have my hand in that.  Some say you then ran the paper into an estimated 60 Million dollar operating deficit after the Hearsts bought the Chronicle.

As I think about your sad career, I am reminded of the threats made to Matier & Ross that you would see that they were finished in S.F. for leaving the Ex and joining the Chron.  Today they remain marquis political commentators while you write an insignificant blog.

And how about Mayor Brown being a featured Sunday entity after decades of Bronstein attacks.  How the worm turns.  Is it true that the origin of your pathological hatred of Mayor Brown originates with him stealing your girlfriend?  What woman wouldn’t prefer his company to yours?

Your most successful days were as a foreign correspondent.  Bedding down Imelda Marcos so you could sniff out and reveal the thousands of shoes in her closet made international news.  Another milestone in an illustrious career.  I actually liked that story.

Reports from Tosca’s – unnamed sources – say that a famous movie star paid you $500,000 as a pre-nup/stud fee only to have you fire blanks.

Then there is the Bronstein theory of journalism that rejects objective reporting in favor of edgy news.  Certainly not the material for a Nobel Prize.

For you to call anybody a “bully” is bully with me.  You do seem to have a shoe fetish – cowboy boots, Imelda’s shoes, Reilly’s broken ankle and then of course taking your sneakers off in a cage with a dragon, (stupid jerk).  In my community – the gay community – some would call it all the behavior of a pencil dick.  See ya later boots!

Jack Davis

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